Few, unique, safe: design for a better life.
The design principles of ASK The FOX are derived from this promise. They are "little, unique and safe" and follow the ten design rules of founder Kerstin Bante. We consciously avoid short-term effects and anything trendy, spectacular, loud or obtrusive. "Limit yourself to the essentials, but preserve the poetry" is what Wabi-Sabi says, an aesthetic concept that originated in Japan and is closely linked to Zen Buddhism. Our poetry is security. Your good feeling.
We are proud that our young company has been honored for this with the iF Design Award and the Silberstreifen Award of the kreativgesellschaft Hamburg.

Ten rules for good design.
"The basic considerations that determine my work as a designer and that represent the outlines of my design philosophy are guided by ten rules," explains Kerstin Bante, founder of ASK THE FOX.
Good design is innovative
The possibilities for innovation are far from exhausted. Technological development constantly offers new starting points for innovative design concepts. Innovative design always arises in connection with innovative technology and is never an end in itself.
2. Good design makes a product usable
You buy a product to use it. It should fulfill certain primary functions and besides that also psychological and aesthetic functions. Good design optimizes usability and disregards everything that does not serve this goal or even opposes it.
3. Good design is aesthetic
The aesthetic quality of a product is an integral aspect of its usability. After all, products that you use every day shape your personal environment and influence your sense of well-being. However, only what is well made can be beautiful.
4. Good design makes a product understandable
It clarifies the material of the product in a plausible way. Even more: it can make the product speak. In the best case, it then explains itself.
5. Good design is unobtrusive
Products that serve a purpose have a tool character. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be neutral, allowing the products to recede and giving people room for self-realization.
6. Good design is honest
It does not make a product appear more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not try to manipulate the consumer by making promises that it then cannot keep.
7. Good design is durable
It avoids being fashionable and therefore never seems antiquated. In marked contrast to short-lived fashion design, it survives for many years even in today's throwaway society.
8. Good design is consistent down to the last detail
Nothing should be left to arbitrariness or chance. Thoroughness and accuracy of design are ultimately an expression of respect for the consumer.
9. Good design is environmentally friendly
Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It incorporates the conservation of resources as well as the minimization of physical and visual pollution into the product life cycle.
10. Good design is as little design as possible
Less design is more, focusing on the essentials rather than cluttering products with superfluous items.